Pure and potent plant therapeutics forskin,bodyandmind. Driven by science and meticulously unlocking the power of nature to helpcombat stressand target issues at their source.
NO. 1
Disrupt the status quo.
No longer will we allow stress, in all its forms, to wreak havoc on our minds, bodies, communities and planet. The time has come to rise up against the status quo — we're leading the charge and inspiring real change.
NO. 2
Reclaim health, happiness, connectivity (and all that is good).
We believe every human being has the fundamental right to health, as defined by complete physical, mental and social wellbeing. In reclaiming its holistic importance, we're investing in creating a truly sustainable future.
NO. 3
Trust in nature.
We aren't separate from nature. We are nature. In destigmatizing and legitimizing the hemp plant, we break down barriers, honor and embrace its ancient wisdom, and unlock its immeasurable potential for good.
NO. 4
Embrace self-care as a form of activism.
We believe that self-care isn't selfish — it's at the very root of global wellbeing. Because when you're healthy and happy, it has a profound impact on the people and world around you. We're here to help you take care.
NO. 5
Be your truest, best self.
We hold our greatest potential when we are our most authentic selves. This is living with integrity. Find your heart and live it in every moment you can — we'll support you no matter where you are in your journey.
NO. 6
Cultivate quality relationships.
The quality of our relationships — with ourselves, others and nature — is directly connected to the joy and health we experience as individuals and a society. It's our duty to foster these relationships in the creation of a life well lived.
NO. 7
Always, always, always choose to uprise.
Giving more than you take from this world is an imperative (it's at the heart of our commitment to you). In every moment, there is an opportunity for more gratitude, more generosity, more compassion and more kindness. In every moment, there is an opportunity for better.